Friday, April 25, 2014

Take out fewer loans and increase your opportunities on campus (Michael)

SF: Tell us about yourself?
MP: My name is Michael Pittman and I'm a junior at SMU majoring in Engineering Management and Information Systems. I am from Denton, TX and I am a member of SuccessFunding!

SF: What is your biggest challenge in college?
MP:  Biggest challenge was adjusting to the lifestyle balance. College provides a lot of freedom and opportunity, but it is important to remain focused on the goals you set out to accomplish.

SF: Are you impacted by student loans & debt?
MP: Yes. I have thousands upon thousands of dollars in student loan debt.

SF: What would you do if you didn’t have any student debt?
MP: I would have considered opportunities like studying abroad for a semester or for a summer if I didn't have student loan debt. But I did not want to dig myself into a bigger financial hole.

SF: Who is your hero and why?
MP: My father. He is a great example of a man, and he has taught me how to treat people with respect and class.

SF: If you could change one thing about your education system, what would it be and why?
MP: Well, my education at SMU is currently at $61,768 a year... so I'd probably start with that lol

SF: What would you suggest to students who are facing student debt?
MP:  I'd tell them to use SuccessFunding as an opportunity to take out fewer loans and increase their opportunities on campus and beyond!

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