Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Interview with Chris Bhatti, Director of External and Alumni Relations, SMU

Chris Bhatti 
Director of External Affairs and Alumni Relations, SMU
SuccessFunding had the opportunity to interview the Director of External Affairs and Alumni Relations for the Simmons School of Education and Human Development at Southern Methodist University, Mr. Chris Bhatti. We hope you enjoy reading about this great interview as much as we had in interviewing Chris.

SF: What are the pressures facing students?

CB: It's no secret that the cost of college is skyrocketing. One of the biggest pressures on students is weighing the cost and benefit of going to college. If I take out this much money to pay for tuition, is that going to give me a return on investment and get me where I want to get to? Of course it will! There's a direct correlation between education and salary, except if you're an outlier which is 1% of the population. Students have to ask themselves: Is this a cost upfront that I can handle? If I pay through loans, can I repay that?

SF: How do you think students can protect themselves from suffering the effects of long-term student debt?

CB: My dad always said, "Don't chase money. Money is in whatever field. Do what you love and money will come." Not everyone has that opportunity because of the stress student debt puts on people. You may not be afforded the opportunity to do this thing you love; you have to do what you have to do in order to survive. What I would say to students is to work hard on the front end (scholarships) but from the back end do what you want, what you love and money will come.

SF: How do you think SuccessFunding will benefit students?

CB: SuccessFunding is a phenomenal idea for individuals to begin putting money into a 529 account. Now there is an opportunity for students, future students even, to take ownership of your education. You're going to want to take ownership and do everything you can to take advantage of your education because you helped yourself get there. I believe SuccessFunding provides opportunities for a large number of students in a way no other company does.

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