by: Kat Thompson
What does it mean to be free? Sure there’s the cookie cutter answer- “freedom means doing what you want, not having limitations, choosing for yourself”, but ask yourself- are we really free? Think of all the things we are a slave to- technology, the rules and regulations that govern nearly every aspect of our lives, and most noticeably, money. Student debt is hindering us from our freedom. It’s telling us that we cant have our dream job, we have to choose whichever job offers us the most money, because we have debts to pay. It’s telling us we have nowhere to go, we might have to head back to mom and dad, because we cant afford an independent life, we should pay our debts. It's telling us we cant own a house, can't move away, can't get married, can't travel, and can't enjoy all the perks of being an independent college graduate, because no matter where we go, student loan debt will follow.
As Americans, we know the value of education. The benefits of higher education are so significant, 12 million students a year, sixty percent of all college students, are willing to take out loans that will take decades to repay. We know that education offers us many freedoms. The freedom to choose our dream occupation, the freedom to garner a wealth of knowledge to apply to all aspects of life, the freedom to participate in and pursue outside interests, the freedom to connect on a global scale with people to share ideas and knowledge. But in this modern age, graduating and entering the labor force isn’t an assertion of independence, it’s a sentence to a long and laborious period of debt repayment. Until now.
We at SuccessFunding are working to change this. We have the idea, we have the tools, we have the people to offer students a new outcome and to give them the freedom to pursue that second degree, or graduate program, or medical school, or that dream job. We know that everyone has the power to rock the world, and we want to help make that happen. We want you to dream without limitations by offering the opportunity to utilize mini scholarships that are raised through crowdfunding. If you want an education without limits and the freedom to pursue your dreams, we are here for you.
Kat Thompson is a sophomore at Southern Methodist University studying Economics, Public Policy, and Biomedical Anthropology. She is currently interning for SuccessFunding.